Native camp reddit. Most of the time, you'll be making $8/hour.
Native camp reddit. Nothing I could do but go on with the class and be polite.
Native camp reddit I've been working at Native camp for 1. 55$ per 25min class so it's also miserable Reply More posts you may like You should try to introduce all of your native speaker friends and relatives to apply native camp, there is a promo for every tutor, after they conduct a lesson, you and your friend both can get $50, it's the best way to earn some quick money from them. Be Patient and Encouraging: Remember that learning a new language can be tough. I don't think I'm receiving anything on my end but I've read their… Hey y'all Ratings have been updated onto NC's dashboard and I am wondering if 4. I studied TEFL for over 10 years at the universities and collages. One mistake like not being able to follow the flow perfectly or you mess one thing up and they fail you. Today's demand for certified professional coders (CPCs) is growing as many jobs in the coding and billing field now require certification. Native Camp failed to pay me, closed my account, and then claimed they "cannot pay me because I do not have an account!" I have filed a complaint with the authorities, but I want to warn everyone I can to avoid dealing with this sleazy company. Imam 21 godinu, nemam faks ni iskustvo kao profesor, ali smatram da mi je engleski odlican i da mi je naglasak poprilicno americki. im not sure Reply reply Native Camp can be worthwhile, IF you can get booked classes which are paid at a decent rate. From my experience a few months ago: great platform, really engaged students and good support offered from HQ. Is there a script to follow? I used to work for Cambly and Engoo and so I have experience coming up w a free talk class. Hello, question about Appreciation. A few students have left an appreciation post. Native camp can be a grind and. The pay is extremely low, and less than the minimum wage in the area I am from. Low pay, lots of students, high expectations and if you drop below 4. Please read all if you are planning to apply. I have made myself available at times when there are many students waiting, have used the skills learned in my TEFL course, asked God for lots of help, and am doing well. Sometimes, nanliliit lang din talaga ako kapag si student e mas fluent pa sa aken HAHA Tho meron namang mga super babait. Students are generally nice 🙂. You dont need to do a demo if a native Native Camp not letting me complete Application So I have been trying to complete my Account Information since three days now, They keep rejecting my Self Intro Video saying my camera is shaking? The first time I agree my cam was shaky because I was holding it in hand to record. Im having issues installing the NC Beauty camera Can anyone out there help please Native camp sometimes only recognizes this camera when I am trying to teach lessons. A place to discuss the companies, practices and experience of teaching English as a Second… As you guys know that when we join native camp, for the first week we get the featured tag which helps us get good ratings as well as students. Has anyone tried Native Camp before (specifically as a non-native tutor)? I saw that the pay for booked classes is higher, but a lot of tutors complain about not getting booked classes. Ive been teaching there for 6months and it's only a sideline platform for me now as it's unreliable income. This is an educational subreddit focused on scams. Razmisljam da pocnem raditi u Native Camp, tojest da apliciram za posao. The application process was easy and pay is better for native speakers because they want native speakers. (sorry for my broken English) Native Camp for one Engoo is accepting no applications right now second with Native Camp your potential pay is way higher you can get up to 9 per half-hour class if you get booked slots. Can someone please tell me how long it takes. Normalan cas traje 26 minuta i dobijes dolar ipo za svaki. As long as you pass the grammar test, you don't have to do a demo. mp4 file’. You don't get paid to sit on standby and I have gotten 10, 15 and 20 minute lessons as well (which you get paid less for). A celebrity or professional pretending to be amateur usually under disguise. Best regards, Native Camp Admin Team> where do I download the NC beauty app? I have tried to look online but have not really found anything Posted by u/Upset_Willingness736 - 1 vote and 1 comment Hi, I recently took the Native Camp Demo Lesson. It was my passion,but financially it doesn't get anywhere. I got hired but never did any Sudden Classes w Native Camp. I can keep things flowing. Dec 2, 2024 · When I first started with Native Camp, I thought I was finding something really good. Sudden classes are paid less than $4 a class (minus whatever percentage you lose from Payoneer). , offering a new kind of network experience; from Project Genesis to Boost Infinite, Dish is blazing a new trail in wireless with a network that can instantly switch between Dish’s Native 5G network and AT&T and T-Mobile wherever you are for the best experience. But I have 2 weeks off from my tutoring gig cuz my students have achievement tests. But I have a feeling that many tutors blow smoke up Native Camp students ahoes to appease and stroke egos. 21K subscribers in the OnlineESLTeaching community. People from the Philippines and the like. It takes a while until you get regular bookings but it's doable. On indeed reviews are mixed and there's only 9. I was hella nervous because at first when the admin entered i had issue with my microphone but later on when i tried again she entered immediately so that's why i may have made some Now I know that native camp is not the best platform to teach English and I know that they don't really pay that much especially if ur not native which I'm not, but nevertheless I expected a constant booking rate. They have ridiculous standards for non-native English speakers. So I just saw that native camp actually has a form to request to remove a students rating. 80 or maybe $1. io/ Whether you're a new resident with questions about credit cards and cashless payment options, a long-term resident curious about pensions and life insurance, or a digital nomad wanting to talk crypto gains and tax treaties, this is the sub where you'll find informed discussion, friendly advice, and high-quality answers with links to reputable sources. Read employee reviews and ratings on Glassdoor to decide if Native Camp is right for you. Posted by u/Acrobatic-Ad7317 - No votes and 32 comments Posted by u/Striking-Web-7341 - 1 vote and 11 comments My partner just got a job working with Native Camp. Like please, I don't sound like a BBC presenter but also I don't sound like bloody Sofia Vergara 🥲🤦🏻♀️. Jun 14, 2023 · I got hired at Native Camp a few months ago, but have yet to start. For context, I'm a Filipino and had worked in the online ESL industry for 1. How much do they pay? Is it for adults or kids? Do they have their own curriculum? Thanks so much! Jun 14, 2021 · Native Camp is a legitimate online ESL company, founded in Tokyo in 2015. 19K subscribers in the OnlineESLTeaching community. -->If you give 25m01s of lessons by June 30th (Japan time) you'll get a 50usd bonus (need to be: American / Australian / British / Canadian / Guamanian / New Zealander / Scottish / Irish / Northern Irish / Scottish / Welsh) Native Camp said i passed my lesson, but I didn't even get to take it now I'm in the quiz part of the application, and idk if I should just continue or email them. Why not make a one on one scheduling? Why make me wait indefinitely and then come give me advise one be in in my bed at 11:30 something after waiting indefinitely for over 3 hours. Most of the time, you'll be making $8/hour. Posted by u/redditSucksNow2020 - No votes and 2 comments I’m trying to get into online ESL teaching particularly with native camp but it won’t let me upload my intro video - I’ve made sure the file is . Not sure if I got the colours correct but you hopefully get the point. Recently ive waited 2 hours before for a $4 lesson on native camp. This subreddit is for all those interested in working for the United States federal government. Preply take 100% of trial lesson, then I think it is 33% of each lesson after with that student. 7 stars out of 5 (I think it's still 4. As far as getting clases people have literally gotten into my class and said "wow I got you! Google Goodairlanguage now hiring. only sudden lessons. But when I was researching about Native Camp, I discovered that their pay is really low, like $2. Even when it wasn't busy I had four students in two hours) and $8. You tend to get a lot of trials there, which you don't get paid for. My dream was to be a good English teacher. employees about NativeCamp. Whatever you want! I have been teaching on Native Camp for about 2 weeks. 16 for 25 minute sudden classes (meaning I wait for a student to join. Be patient with your students and encourage them, especially when they are finding it difficult. Zanima me ima li neko iskustva sa Native Campom, ili ako neko ima neku bolju skolu za pocetnike da mi predlozi? Hvala! On the other hand if you are a non native, you receive only 1. They are quite popular and I never heard about Native camp myself, so was curious how it’s different and why you think teaching there instead of Cambly(Or Italki/Preply which have different model) So I'm a native speaker from the U. 90) and I still somehow can’t land a booking. Native camp isn’t busier than embassies or even Amazon, yet they have one on one scheduling for interviews or customer calls. I am taking their time slots I to account and have tried different days and… A place to discuss the companies, practices and experience of teaching English as a Second Language to students online. I've been teaching English on Native Camp for a month now and I haven't been fully satisfied with the wage I got for the past month, and I'm also hesitant about getting to good wages anytime soon because I don't get to conduct many lessons (most of the students would most likely choose a teacher with a higher ranking which means that I have to conduct just a few for a few I have been on Native Camp for 2 years. He asked me to correct his pronunciation and when I did, he started telling me I was wrong. after waiting a couple days for a response back, i get an email from native camp saying ive been rejected "due to the standards we have set not being met" and that feedback was provided by native english speakers. Last week, I applied to Native Camp. Content here should be primarily about Microsoft's suite of services, products and games which we publish. Anyone here able to confirm their tutor rank and NCC or USD per sudden class? Started teaching on here recently at the same time as a friend and… View community ranking In the Top 1% of largest communities on Reddit Does anyone have experience with Native Camp for part time teaching ? I’m looking to supplement my main income. NC run an unlimited lessons offer for native speakers. I recommend getting a teaching degree with unisa if you don't have one. culture, salaries, benefits, work-life balance, management, job security, and more. Native camp won't respond to my emails too. I only need to make a maximum of $20 per day to survive, even just $10 would suffice. Also do the support payments through Payoneer? Thanks. I'm trying to get information from someone experienced with Native Camp specifically. UK/ USA/ Australia/ Canada are considered native speakers on the Native Camp platform. I have heard tutors get sexually harassed on Native Camp, and they pay only by Payoneer and Payoneer is really terrible. Neznam koliko je to u marke jer sam iz makedonije ti izracunaj. You'll find a list of online esl companies hiring at the moment - last update was April 12th, not sure if they've already updated or will update it may 12th. Oh, and I'm a native speaker with a TESOL Yes, Native Camp is awful. github. It is our hope to be a wealth of knowledge for people wanting to educate themselves, find support, and discover ways to help a friend or loved one who may be a victim of a scam. Coming from Preply and Cambly, I had high expectations with Native Camp. mp4 and under 20 mb but it still tells me the ‘extension cannot be uploaded please upload a . I just got rejected from native camp after the first demo lesson. A place to discuss the companies, practices and experience of teaching English as a Second Language to students online. I've been there about 15 months now and at this point, I only do booked classes. This is not something I agreed to in my contract. I've seen a lot of salary related posts about native camp so until nobody shows up I just wanted to give you a heads up🥲🥲 Mine at Engoo is 1. OP, if you want to try Native Camp , there is a 50usd promo on right now. I had the retake screen on the Demo Lesson tab. Ko sta su drugi rekli u odgovorima nisu pare nesto ako nisi "Native Speaker". The intense hiring process, actual live lesson with staff, face recognition, etc. I doubt they will fire us white, Anglo-Saxon looking people with clear pronunciation. 54$ per a 26 minute class. Hey everyone, I just joined this group. I have joined Native Camp passed the demo lesson and then did the profile registration and that was approved. 16 per 25 minute class for sudden lessons. Too much effort for shitty pay ($1. There would be a lot of complaints if they did. So yeah, Native Camp sucks as an English Teaching Platform and you will find much better ones out there such as the one I am working for now. S. If you just want to hear the worst skip the lists and go to the bottom. The official unofficial subreddit for Elite Dangerous, we even have devs lurking the sub! Elite Dangerous brings gaming’s original open world adventure to the modern generation with a stunning recreation of the entire Milky Way galaxy. Ive spent so much time trying to access this im getting so frustrated. Zanima me ima li neko iskustva sa Native Campom, ili ako neko ima neku bolju skolu za pocetnike da mi predlozi? Hvala unaprijed! How long did it take you guys to have you payoneer linked to native camp? I've been waiting over a week and it still says 'pending'. Apply at hello learner, core English, yiyi English. I have a good rating (4. Non native speakers that speak pretty decent English but don't need to get paid like Americans do to survive. Anyone been in a similar situation? Why is native camp like this? I enjoy a high rating and loyal students who ask to book me three times a week, but at Cambly's rate it's not worth my time to create extra availability (I only work 8-10 hours pw currently). When you try to communicate with them, you get the run-around. Seriously WTF. I don't understand why you would prefer sudden calls over scheduled classes. We are now offering a "Get 2,000 NCC Come Back Promo" from September 1st to September 30th ! Thanks to your recent endeavors, Native Camp has grown considerably, and the number of students willing to have classes with Native Speakers is higher than ever. Use the resources provided by Native Camp and don't be afraid to use additional materials to make your lessons more engaging. Hello I have been stuck at Native Camps online system check for weeks. 7) you get canned immediately. I managed to sort out the problem and I retook the Demo. The subreddit all about the world's longest running annual international televised song competition, the Eurovision Song Contest! Subscribe to keep yourself updated with all the latest developments regarding the Eurovision Song Contest, the Junior Eurovision Song Contest, national selections, and all things Eurovision. Hey, I applied through Native Camp, was asked to resubmit my self-introduction and now have approved and a nice green tick everywhere but I am still stuck on the loading page with all the application steps and the self learning videos. Hello, welcome to Native Camp! I've been on the platform for a few months now and I have a few things to say. since I left Native camp, I've been tryin to remove the beauty camera from my computer, but even though I removed the application, I'm still having problems with my camera on fb messenger Posted by u/redditSucksNow2020 - 1 vote and no comments native camp queue . Whatever you want! I hope someone can please answer me. Lots of people want a native speaker without paying for booked classes so theyll choose one over a non native speaker. The guy was a total asshole. I never had to wait too long for standby classes. Athough I have never worked there, I've seen enough posts to know that native camp rates are ridiculous and I recommend you look at this rejection as a blessing in disguise. Are there any other esl websites that hire non-natives… The most common esl jobs now without a lot of experience or education degree are engoo cambly or native camp. None of them are v well paid Native camp pays 4 dollars for a 25 min sudden lesson (you go on standby and a student joins your class when they want to) or 8 dollars for a 25min booked class. Zdravo prijatelju! Ako hoces da pocnes na native camp mogu ti malo pomoc. Native Camp may steal part of your pay, claiming you cancelled a class when you did not. Only now! Take advantage of this great opportunity and enjoy your English conversation lessons! This subreddit is a space to share choreography, teaching tips for instructors, and encouragement for those who are new to Zumba® fitness. A place to discuss the companies, practices and experience of teaching English as a Second… This subreddit is for all those interested in working for the United States federal government. People can continue using the space to ask questions about the format and it's specialties, ask for advice or look for classes in their area - basically, all things Zumba®. Welcome to r/scams. In comparison to Japan, there is a time difference of 4 hours, with Pakistan being ahead. The process that Native camp will follow is that they will then lock you out of your account (regardless of the reason that the student gave one-star) and you have to then write an 'improvement plan'. A place to discuss the companies, practices and experience of teaching English as a Second… Payoneer is safe. It's $4. 54 dollars for a sudden lesson, which means you earn roughly more than 3 dollars per hour, which in some cases is really good if you live in a low cost country, but if you live somewhere expensive Native Camp is not the best idea for a main job. Native camp is your typical ESL money mill. 50/hour? That's what the reviews on Glassdoor say. The video has to be an activity that the person is known for. also, on the site when you open your Schedule, the best time slots are labeled with student traffic, so for example the best times to work is 6-9am and 8-10pm JPN time but this depends, it's really a gamble in the beginning until you get going with booked classes; feel free to DM me Welcome to everyone, including native Koreans, Korean diaspora, and foreigners. I taught English in different countries and tutored online for many years. This is the place for discussion and news about the game, and a way to Now I know that native camp is not the best platform to teach English and I know that they don’t really pay that much especially if ur not native which I’m not, but nevertheless I expected a constant booking rate. There are a lot of rude students who'll make u doubt ur skills. Members Online Sungshin Women's University professor files complaint letter to FIFA, accusing Chinese fans of booing the Korean national anthem, pointing lasers against Korean players during key moments of the match This subreddit is for all those interested in working for the United States federal government. Native Camp Admin" When I ask them about this elusive criteria as a citizen of a country who's OFFICIAL LANGUAGE IS ENGLISH, this is their response: "Dear Teacher, We regret to inform you that we have decided not to accept you as a native teacher based on the feedback from our native English speakers during the promotion of your account. Good luck! But the pay for booked lessons as a native speaker isn't bad. A place to discuss the companies, practices and experience of teaching English as a Second… Native Camp Peak Hours Guide I currently reside in Pakistan, which operates on GMT+5 timezone. 20$ per hour. The system takes some time to calculate the payment so we humbly ask for your patience. When I wanted to do the test, it transferred me to account information, which is like the last step of the recruitment process. 5 years but the pay is 1. So, yesterday I created an account on native camp, I left an email, verified it, and decided to do the Test tomorrow since it was too late. I was accepted by Native Camp many months ago, but didn't follow through with activating my account. Is that true? Do you prefer Engoo or is branching out to NC worth it? I'm just very tempted because they have "raise" scheme based on your tutor rank. i dont understand what i could've done to apparently not be qualified to work at a below minimum wage job. For teachers of Native Camp (NC) to moan or get tips. I took it the first time and I had to retake it due to a webpage technical problem, but I still had 3 tries, so it wasn't considered as taken. /r/pathoftitans is the official Path of Titans reddit community. It's so disheartening when you can't get paid. For example, a professional tennis player pretending to be an amateur tennis player or a famous singer smurfing as an unknown singer. Native Camp offers various textbooks, including daily conversation, business conversation, and JLPT prep materials, which are easy for beginners to understand with illustrations. Get a teaching job abroad and you'll get paid significantly more. This is not one of them. And I've been teaching there for 10 months with over 600 classes taught. Hi! I was teaching at Native Camp 2 years ago and had some sudden classes but because of studies I had to stop. ive never even heard of someone being rejected by them either. I read on the Native Camp students' forum that students can add teachers as favourites and colour code them eg: a pink heart means "good with grammar", a blue heart means "friendly" and so on. I'm an American citizen living in the Philippines - married here and I've just recently been hired by Native Camp! Now, I just wanted to ask if anyone in here's got any advice for me for working here. Wiki at: https://japanfinance. I recommend learning something on the side that makes money. Your income is a gamble with sudden calls. But when I try to use it in diferent apps (whatsapp for example) i only get green screen bug and i cant use my camera. 5 years. Location doesn't matter , your passport does. I applied to native camp in 2022 and I was never hired for this exact reason and I believe I was sent the same email. To the best of my knowledge theres no plan to cut the pay. it's a lot for the peanuts you make. We would like to inform you that the Dashboard is being updated during maintenance time. 93 is decent or should I be concerned? I started teaching on Tuesday… Hi there! I was about to sign my contract of service contract, when I noticed it says that Native Camp will be able to issue a penalty fee of $3000, this seems terribly high for breaching the contract? Hey! I've been working as an English tutor on Engoo for 2 years now, but I'm thinking about signing the contract with Native Camp so I can have an alternative in case something goes wrong with my first job. Like bruh I only have one passport and I am native, I was born here. Ja sam poceo prosle godine u martu i jos radim do dan danas. Then Native Camp didn't make any effort whatsoever to understand my situation and basically just said its my fault. But due to a technical issue at the company's end, My featured tag endedd after mere two days and I want to improve my rank so I get more or infact some students. Today is payday and I doubt I will receive my salary now. Also just a bit bummed cause I studied all week and watched 100 videos on the demo lesson prep lol Welcome to the Microsoft subreddit. I have some badges for kids textbooks but I haven't seen how that works yet since I haven't worked with any kids yet My main 2 problems with them so far (as a native speaker) are that: So a lot of my friends told me that i should try NativeCamp and my question is, to anyone with experience on this platform, Is it worth it? Should i give it a try because i hear that you can get alot from just working on their platform. Most of your bookings will come from sudden classes where you list yourself as available and someone wants to have a class with you right then. This is what tripped up my application at Native Camp, as soon as I uploaded a video they were like nah sorry you are not considered a native. , I get paid $4. I am from the UK, with a British passport but because I am not 'white' they said to use a different passport and say ur non native. Welcome to the subreddit of America’s newest wireless network! Dish Wireless is the fourth largest wireless carrier in the U. Payment is fine. Thank you for your understanding regarding this matter. Since the application process itself is often nothing short of herculean and time-consuming to boot, this place is meant to serve as a talking ground to answer questions, better improve applications, and increase one's chance of being 'Referred'. Used to work there. The thing is the platform only updates ratings once a week and you cannot see who gave you what rating So unless you only do 1 class a week, its basically impossible to tell who gave the low rating short of you having a horrible lesson and even then Posted by u/No-Replacement2929 - 1 vote and no comments Native camp is only worthwhile if you can get lots of reservations. Jan 30, 2025 · Reviews from NativeCamp. Many physicians, mid-level providers, practice managers, administrators, billers and front desk staff members have questions about coding. I love the flexibility like pede ka magwork whenever u want tho stressing lang talaga rude students. 24K subscribers in the OnlineESLTeaching community. Reply reply Top 4% Rank by size Hello everybody. I am a very interactive and collaborative person, and all of the students were great! I had a very good rating and suddenly, after one day, I had my whole week's calendar filled. hey, I also just started working with NC recently and in my experience they're mostly Japanese, some Taiwanese. "I suspect that most NC teachers are westerners too"- NC sent messages to tutors to 'pretend to be native' last year, something along the lines of 'native is a state of mind' idea, so don't count on that assumption. A subreddit for teachers of ESL working in their home countries/English speaking countries. Nothing I could do but go on with the class and be polite. I started teaching again a few days ago, and I go on standby on peak hours 2-3 hours each day but I don’t have any students joining. Mar 8, 2021 · Hey everyone, my brother & I are thinking of joing native camp. You can also get "badges" in certain textbooks which let students book specific courses with you. ( My friend from South Africa tried to join and was told she's not native 🙄) I had all 5 and one 4. 在網路上看到很多人推薦Native Camp,抱著好奇的想法嘗試看看,實際使用4天的心得是, NC老師非常的多,但是要找到好老師真的不容易,母語老師跟非母語老師的課我都有嘗試,發現非母語老師的英語程度大概是中級左右(B1),我聽出好幾個發音跟文法上的錯誤 Jan 30, 2025 · NativeCamp checked all the boxes. Thanks to this sub, I realised that the higher-paid 'reservation' lessons were gold dust, and most students subscribe to the lower- rate 'sudden lessons'. Then last weekend I had a rough class. I mainly use the business conversation textbooks to improve my Japanese for work. We wanted to know your thoughts & opinions about it. Welcome to everyone, including native Koreans, Korean diaspora, and foreigners. Everything needs to be flawless. Long waiting times between students and don't expect any bookings . . Not even a sudden lesson. It’s his first time teaching, and he’s not very tech savvy. I have already sent support and they sent me a bunch of links to read about camera issues. It says something like "demo lesson failed without any precise reason try again in 6 months". They told me that the reason is because a student gave me a one star rating this week. However, you have to do a shit ton of 'sudden' classes to start getting booked classes. I've been teaching in native camp for almost a year. Should you have questions/clarifications, please do not hesitate to message us. His first student just wanted to have free conversation, and it went smoothly. The application process is very straight forward. I got a recruitment referral email at the beginning of October, offering bonuses for each person I recruit during October, and I get two emails each week offering incentives to log in at peak times. I teach on native camp at the moment and I'm fortunate to get quite a few reservations, but with the amount of work I put into Native Camp and the hours, I do I could make an awful lot of money working elsewhere. Native Camp Peak Hours I currently reside in Pakistan, which operates on GMT+5 timezone. English conversation at Native Camp in 2022! At Native Camp, we have prepared two events as a New Year campaign for everyone to enjoy. Thanks for your response, while I don't find it negative, it's irrelevant as your experience doesn't seem to be with Native Camp specifically. You're looking at a rate of roughly 3-4 dollars an hour, and lots of them said that for newbies, you don't get a lot of bookings either. 90) and I still somehow can't land a booking. They are one of the largest online English language schools in Japan, with over 13,000 teachers and half a million (mostly Japanese) students. 20 for 25 minute booked classes. Hi, i removed nc beauty camera from my laptop. Working in an English speaking country with non-native speakers is a whole different experience than working and teaching abroad. Hello, welcome to Native Camp! I've been on the platform for a few months now and I have a few things to say. How Much Does Native Camp Pay? Oct 24, 2024 · Glassdoor has 1,363 Native Camp reviews submitted anonymously by Native Camp employees. Native camp doesn't pay well and hours aren't guaranteed. Scheduled classes you can actually estimate your income. Yes, they pay 10. Members Online Sungshin Women's University professor files complaint letter to FIFA, accusing Chinese fans of booing the Korean national anthem, pointing lasers against Korean players during key moments of the match I tutor on Engoo and Cambly. I am speaking from a non-native point of view. God an email 2 days ago asking for passport and i gave that as well but no activation. This is a throwaway account for a reason. 2/25min) On one of the meetups, I told them that they should increase the salaries, but it fell on deaf ears A subreddit for teachers of ESL working in their home countries/English speaking countries. Native Camp on the other hand offers $9 per 25 minute lesson if you aquire regulars, but only $3 for the same speaking to 'randoms' (the NC equivalent to Cambly vs Native Camp pay rates? Me and my gf are considering working remotely and looking into some options, how does payment work with these companies? How much are you paid per lesson and are there always slots available for lessons if I am ready to work long hours? Thank you for your efforts in making Native Camp what it is today. pqo vrnqos luysyo udy oxwkegk lugj miyaq gspx etptt qadm swxqxux wtfuv akgnyvms vicqe aab