Intitle index of admin login Powered by Bigdbiz SolutionsBigdbiz Solutions The document contains a list of search terms related to finding administrator pages on websites. blob. com: Search for admin and password directories on a specific website: 20: intitle:"Index of c:\Windows" Nov 1, 2019 · intitle:"index of" inurl:ftp after:2018 These servers become public because the index file of their FTP server is the kind of data that Google loves to scan — a fact people tend to forget. Try downloading WordPress again, access your server via SFTP or FTP, or a file manager in your hosting account’s control panel (consult your hosting provider’s documentation for specifics on these), and delete then replace your copies of everything on the server except the wp-config. lst intitle:"index of" pwd. * intitle:"index of" *. « Back to login Jun 4, 2020 · Dork: intitle:"index of" "admin-login. Oct 22, 2024 · Example: inurl:admin; filetype: – Searches for files of a particular type (e. Oct 28, 2023 · 1. intitle:"index of" "db. The same file is also available as the most recent versioned jksrc. inurl: admin intitle: admin intext: admin. index of / backup (will search the index backup file on server) 7. g. sh_history intitle:"Index of" . intitle: "Index of" master. intitle:"Index of" /admin Muestra directorios de administración en sitios web. httpx -l hosts. php 将返回含有phpmyadmin后台的网页 site: baidu. The above query focuses on the term “index of” in the title and “server at” appearing at the bottom of the directory listing. Halaman login admin untuk mengakses sistem rumah sakit distrik. com Mar 3, 2025 · To use a Google Dork, you simply type in a Dork into the search box on Google and press “Enter”. Welcome to Admin Panel Login ADMIN LOGIN. intitle: login password (get link to the login page with the login words on the title and password words anywhere. Using Google Dorks: site: target. of passwd. txt Directory Feb 22, 2020 · inurl: Login 将返回url中含有 Login 的网页 intitle: 后台登录管理员 将返回含有管理员后台的网页 intext: 后台登录 将返回含有后台的网页 inurl: / admin / login. This type of query can additionally be pointed at a particular web server: intitle:index. To Log In, enter your Email and Password into the boxes below, then click "Log In. password Directory listing contains password file(s)? intitle:"Index of " service. php intext:admin/admin This Google Dork discovers login portals with weak default passwords. For instance, [cache:www. of. `intitle:”Index of” site:example. of passlist login or password Site 63 218 129 134 Inurl Facebook Index of Passlist Txt. Log in Admin Login Sign in Nov 16, 2016 · 寻找网站后台登录地址:和intitle不同的是,inurl可以指定URL中的关键字,我们都知道网站的后台URL都是类似login. Apache2. This can be considered a subset of “vulnerable web servers” mentioned above, but we’re Jun 16, 2022 · # Google Dork:site:com. php", "login. This cheat sheet is intended for ethical hacking and educational purposes only. location:London library: map: Displays maps related to username password password Jan 14, 2006 · Similarly, if one has to query for more than one word in the page title then in that case “allintitle:” can be used instead of “intitle” to get the list of pages containing all those words in its title. org Port 443 Mar 13, 2023 · This is a common way for hackers to find login credentials. The combination of the powerful The GHDB is an index of search queries (we call them dorks) used to find publicly available information, intended for pentesters and security researchers. vNNN. com "Emergisoft web applications are a part of our" "Establishing a secure Integrated Lights Out session with" OR intitle:"Data Frame - Browser not HTTP 1. asp "not for distribution" confidential "Thank you for your order" +receipt Dec 1, 2022 · inurl:JPGLogin. Find Jul 17, 2023 · The Exploit Database is maintained by OffSec, an information security training company that provides various Information Security Certifications as well as high end penetration testing services. of inurl:admin. São Paulo. User Login. vpn 3000 concentrator" intext:"vbulletin" inurl:admincp intitle:ilohamail intext:"Version 0. txt -threads 100 -random-agent -x GET, POST -tech-detect -status-code -follow-redirects -title -content-length. properties" | "*standalone. of” 组合使用技巧 intext:user. php Click on the Users >> POP USERS >> Select your domain >> Click on GO Select the Password Expired User >> & navigate to Password tab "admin password irreversible-cipher" ext:txt OR ext:log OR ext:cfg Inurl: "login" Intitle:index of username and pass. inurl:index. log,使用filetype和inurl来查找. link:example. intitle:"index of / admin" site:target. exe) allinurl:/bash_history intitle:"Index of" . org "resistance is obsolete" "Report Bugs" "Username" "password" "bp blog admin" intitle:login | intitle:admin -site:johnny. com Dec 13, 2024 · Creating a Secure Admin Login Page in PHP. log”` 4. asp”为关键字进行搜索,同样可以找到很多网站的后台。 Mar 7, 2023 · # Google Dork: intitle:"index of" inurl:admin/login # Files Containing Juicy Info # Date:07/03/2023 # Exploit Author: AJAY JOSEPH Apr 7, 2024 · While it may seem unconventional, you can use the "intitle:index. htpasswd Directory listing contains . pwd file(s). intitle:"Index of" wp-admin. zip file, Previous versions of the source tree are available in the files jksrc. [ inurl: ] site:pastebin. 8. txt-ports 80,443,8009,8080,8081,8090,8180,8443 -paths Feb 4, 2023 · “inurl:” — to search for pages with a specific keyword in the URL Example: inurl:admin login (looks for pages with the word login and containing the admin name in the URL) Oct 22, 2024 · intitle:"index of" "keyword" Advanced Example: intitle:"index of" "private" Explanation: This search will list directories containing files with the word “private,” potentially revealing sensitive data or confidential information. intitle: index. php" Description: This google dorks lists out admin login php pages on web servers. Now that we understand the importance of a secure admin login page, let’s explore the steps involved in creating one using PHP: Setting Up the Login Form: Start by creating a login form that collects the username and password from the administrator. txt from CS CYBERSECUR at Uni. ini inurl:admin intitle:login intitle:admin intitle:login inurl:admin filetype:xls "Most Submitted Forms and Scripts" "this section" inurl:changepassword. inurl:admin. zip file. of Apache/1. Pastebin. Currently, they always go to 'index_loginsuccesful. sql 用户数据库信息癿页面 intitle:index. " Login. ini" "admin password irreversible-cipher" ext:txt OR ext:log OR ext:cfg "super password level 3 cipher" ext:txt OR ext:log. com [*] Search by exposed admin directories intitle: “Index of / admin” site: yoursitehere. xml" "public $user =" | "public $password = " | "public $secret =" | "public $db =" ext:txt | ext:log -git site:*. For instance, if you’re looking for pages that contain the phrase “password” and have “index of” in the title, you would use the search term:intitle:”index of” password. Mar 29, 2010 · Other similar search using “intitle:” or “allintitle:” combined with other syntaxs intitle:Index of . php " # Pages Containing Login Portals # Date:16/12/2021 # Exploit Author: Muhammad Al-Amin Aug 12, 2020 · 查找特定目录:intitle:index. of 表示网站目彔是开放状态。 二、intitle. htm intitle:"Welcome to Windows Small Business Server 2003" "[SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Line 1: Incorrect syntax near" -forum -thread -showthread intitle:"inc. of server at. php' no matter the admin value. forgot password "bp blog admin" intitle:login | intitle:admin -site:johnny. Please enter your Username and password. txt" for a website. intitle: “Index of” pwd. I have learned that open directories are folders of files that are uploaded to a web server somewhere, and to get to them you have to put in commands like Remember Password Login Mar 9, 2012 · CERIAS Information Security Archive Index of /pub/doc/passwords/ Search the archive: Name Last modified Size; Parent Directory - Augmented-Encrypted-Key-Exchange. based on your name, nickname, personality or keywords. foodfrontier. User Name: Password: Giám sát trấn áp việc cắt giảm cổ phần bất hợp pháp Năm cơ quan trong đó Oct 12, 2021 · 例如“intitle: login password” 会返回标题含有login,而页面里面随便什么地方含有password的网页给你。 当 你想在标题里面搜索超过2个词的时候,你可以使用“allintitle:” ,当然也可以使用“intitle” 来代替搜索,“intitle: login intitle: password” 和“all_黄色intext Index of /admin allintitle :"index of /admin" Site:site. intitle:index of: inurl: Searches for URLs containing specific words or parameters. - readloud/Google-Hacking-Database Nov 3, 2022 · We can run this command by itself but let us combine it with the intitle filter we just learned about. 8. Using httpx and a wordlist: httpx -l hosts. com Nov 7, 2019 · 信息泄露主要包括:敏感路径、服务器、中间件、框架版本等 实验环境:ubuntu 实验原理: 配置存放不当,导致web系统备份,数据库备份 用户数据文件,暴露在web系统上,引发信息泄露 实验内容: 一、目录遍历漏洞 原理:index文件是web应用程序的默认入口文件被称为索引文件。 Aug 21, 2023 · Proudly Served by LiteSpeed Web Server at oyostatecommerce. db intitle:"index of" etc/shadow intitle:"index of" spwd intitle:"index of" master. Powered by Ramjas CollegeRamjas College A full copy of the 'kent' source tree is packaged into the jksrc. pwd Directory listing contains service. admin或intitle:index. As we can see in figure 7 below, the search result titles still contain “index of /admin” but now we see the body of the webpage containing the word “password. jpg: 2016-01-12 18:23 Generate username ideas and check availability. You signed out in another tab or window. Apr 23, 2020 · The Exploit Database is maintained by OffSec, an information security training company that provides various Information Security Certifications as well as high end penetration testing services. com inurl: admin | administrator | adm | login | l0gin | wp-login Admin Login. bash_history intitle:"index of" passwd intitle:"index of" people. php: link: Identifies pages that link to a specific URL. of password" or "intitle:index. intitle:”index of” “password” Login : Sign me in Apr 4, 2023 · Intitle operator. at. com inur: Login 将 You signed in with another tab or window. intitle: "Index of ftp passwords" Explanations: cache: If you include other words in the query, Google will highlight those words within: the cached document. Muestra directorios que contienen archivos de texto con nombres como "password. php" # Files Containing Juicy Info # Date: 03/11/2021 # Exploit Author: Muhammad Al-Amin CMB Mobile Google Hacking App. Login. txt". inanchor:"hacking tools" Dec 19, 2021 · intitle: "index of / admin" site: target. txt intext:mysql google dork give nginx. Utilizing httpx and Wordlists 📜. 24. sql intitle:index. Exploring Database Backup Files: Pranisampad Bhaban (room no. free all items : inurl:Index of. of secret" can reveal unprotected folders containing confidential data. Username. Admin/Moderator Login Area: Username: Password: Remember me next time . com “admin” intitle: index of admin login intitle:admin login in Jan 12, 2016 · Index of /admin/gallery Name Last modified Size Description : Parent Directory - 1433737295. db intitle:index of etcshadow intitle:index of spwd intitle:index of master. 10. Sep 26, 2018 · intitle:Login inurl:login. Remember Me ADMIN LOGIN; Username: Password: Home "admin password irreversible-cipher" ext:txt OR ext:log OR ext:cfg Inurl: "login" Intitle:index of username and pass. xls) 4. php" # Files Containing Juicy Info # Date:03/11/2021 # Exploit Author: Muhammad Al-Amin Halaman login admin Pengadilan Tinggi Jambi. intitle:index. Discovering Network Devices with Default Credentials: intitle:"Router Login" | intext:"default username" - Searches for router login pages with default usernames. Other Examples: Find public directories containing backup files:intitle:"index of" backup; Discover admin Oct 8, 2024 · intext:password file: intitle: Finds pages with specific words in the title. at site:xyz. Always… Nov 5, 2021 · # Google Dork: intitle:"index of" "admin. . sql 查询包含 user. password" in the Pastebin website; this site is used by hackers to publish sensitive leaked information) (see Figure 5). Failed to connect to MySQL: Access denied for user 'capakist_user'@'localhost' to database 'capakist_student' User ID: Password: Admin Login. com intext:admin. Sep 14, 2023 · intitle:”index of” “. lst (will find web pages that contain user list). 服务器版本:intitle:index. letter intitle:index. passwd intitle Nov 8, 2021 · # Google Dork: intitle"index of" "username" "password" filetype: xlsx # Files Containing Juicy Info # Date:6/11/2021 # Exploit Author: Onkar Deshmukh 主办:安徽冶金科技职业学院; 承办:安徽冶金科技职业学院; 皖icp备05011712号; 技术支持:学府信息 Mar 15, 2023 · The index. 24 Server at 等(其他服务器…) 搜索目标是否有列目录 Welcome To Web Admin. com [*] Search by exposed password directories intitle: “Index of / password” site: yoursitehere. admin Direcory listing contains administrative files or directories intitle:"Index of" . com web] will show the cached A full copy of the 'kent' source tree is packaged into the jksrc. Apr 5, 2020 · “intext:user. php". Oct 2, 2023 · The Exploit Database is maintained by OffSec, an information security training company that provides various Information Security Certifications as well as high end penetration testing services. 1 Password: Remember me next time : Customer Services; Customer's Guide; Customer Care Centers; Locate Post Office ; Calculate Postage; Contact Us; site admin login Remember Me. ng Port 443 Below are the very easy & admin friendly as well as user-friendly steps to change the Password. bash_history intitle:index of passwd intitle:index of people. inurl:admin intitle:admin intext:admin. Contribute to cmbaughman/GoogleDork development by creating an account on GitHub. zip and in the directory jksrc. `filetype:log inurl:”access. asp”、“inurl:admin. sh_history intitle:Index of . 2. 查找特定的文件:filetype:log inurl:ws_ftp. admin. etc” passwd (this This directory contains applications for stand-alone use, built specifically for a Linux 64-bit machine. in/home. of server. Pastebin is a website where you can store text online for a set period of time. ihackstuff. For example using “intitle: login intitle: password” is same as querying “allintitle: login password”. conf Locating Exposed Admin Panels: intitle:"Admin Login" - Searches for pages with "Admin Login" in the title. In title. of dead. com Mar 4, 2025 · A Google Dork is a search query that looks for specific information on Google’s search engine. intitle: "Index of ftp passwords" Jul 26, 2020 · intitle; inurl; intext; filetype; Operador ‘intitle’ O operador ‘intitle:‘ permite buscar especificamente termos que estão no título da página, por exemplo inurl:login, que listará neste caso todas as páginas que possuam o termo ‘login‘ no título. intitle:”index of” “backup” Searches for backup files or directories that may contain sensitive information. passwd intitle:index of htpasswd intitle:index Jan 6, 2015 · Secondly, my database is made of 'username' 'password' and 'admin', admin being 0 or 1. lst intitle:index of pwd. Sep 11, 2022 · site:pastebin. pwd file(s) intitle:"Index of" view-source Directory listing Forgot password? Admin Login "index of" "database. Strings like "intitle:index. htpasswd file! intitle:"Index of" log. Apache2 . inanchor: provide information for an exact anchor text used on any links, e. If the administrator save important data not in the complete system authentifikasi folder, then most likely be reached by the google search engine. password (find the text "admin. of" string to search for potentially sensitive information such as passwords or secrets. "admin_password" ext:txt | ext:log | ext:cfg (find the text “admin-password” in exposed files of the following types: TXT, LOG, CFG) (see Figure 6). com` 3. Image by the author. passwd (index the master password page) 6. 表示搜索在网页标题中出现第一个关键词的网页。 1、查找用户的历史命令记录 intitle:index. of people. filetype:log intext:password after:2016 intext:@gmail. Author: Abhi Chitkara Im pretty new to open directories and for the past week I have been trying to learn how it all works. db (searching database password files). asp、admin. Isto significa que é possível obter rapidamente uma vasta lista de sistemas Feb 24, 2025 · Proudly Served by LiteSpeed Web Server at www. php file is missing (and possibly more files too). ” Sep 27, 2024 · intitle:”HR” OR intitle:”recruitment” OR intitle:”staff” OR intitle:”talent acquisition” OR intitle:”job applications” intext:”resume” OR intext:”CV” filetype:pdf OR filetype:docx -intitle:”documentation” Explanation: Finds recruitment documents or HR files containing resumes and other sensitive information. com [*] Search by email directories intitle: “Index of / mail” site: yoursitehere. net ext:xls | ext:xlsx (login | password | username) See full list on null-byte. Author: Abhi Chitkara Dec 29, 2024 · GitHub Gist: instantly share code, notes, and snippets. sql. of ws_ftp. For help on the bigBed and bigWig applications see: http May 1, 2020 · Dork: intitle:"index of" admin. Jul 28, 2021 · Finding WP Admin login pages is not too difficult with a dork: intitle:"Index of" wp-admin. is a categorized index of Internet search Login . Admin/Moderator Login Area: Nov 5, 2021 · # Google Dork: intitle:"index of" "admin. intitle: “Index of . Password uDork is a script written in Bash Scripting that uses advanced Google search techniques to obtain sensitive information in files or directories, find IoT devices, detect versions of web application Jul 2, 2024 · Disclaimer: Creating and distributing malicious software is illegal and unethical. You can easily find the WordPress admin login pages using dork, as shown below. The “intitle” operator searches for web pages with specific words or phrases in the title tag. Exploring Database Backup Files: Dorks for Bug Bounty Hunting. Search for exposed databases by using technical search terms like intitle:"index of" db , filetype:config dbpasswd , and filetype:env DB_PASSWORD . wonderhowto. The list covers Apr 1, 2021 · 目录 一、google语法简介 二、搜索引擎的组成 三、Google的基本关键字 (1)Intext:搜索出现的关键词 (2)Inurl:搜索包含关键词的url (3)Intitle:搜索包含关键词的标题 (4)Site:搜索包含关键词的站点 (5)Filetype:搜索文件的后缀或者扩展名 (6)Link:对于页面包含的外部链接搜索 (7)cache intitle:"D-Link" inurl:"/video. Inurl operator Sign in to manage your Microsoft account settings and access personalized services. intitle: will provide information related to keywords within the title, for example, intitle:dorking tools. This cheat sheet contains common Google dorks and search operators to help you gather information for ethical hacking and security research purposes. Reload to refresh your session. What I need help with is to make the user redirect to 'hit-counter. ssh” OR “ssh_config” OR “ssh_known_hosts” OR “authorized_keys” OR “id_rsa” OR “id_dsa” inurl:wp-config. google. password Directory listing contains password file(s)? intitle:"Index of" service. , PDF, DOCX) Example: filetype:pdf; intitle: – Finds pages with a specific word or phrase in the title Example: intitle:"index of" daterange: – Limits results to a specific date range (using Julian dates) Example: daterange:11278-13278 (last 3 months) Many login pages can be found using similar naming conventions such as inurl:signin, inurl:login, inurl:admin, and intitle:"login page". bash_history Intitle表示 Dec 1, 2022 · intitle:"wbem" compaq login "Compaq Information Technologies Group" intitle:index. Use responsibly and legally. bak ( will search the index backup password files) 9. `filetype:sql inurl:wp-content/backup-*` 5 Sep 13, 2019 · intitle: “index of /” Parent Directory site: yoursitehere. lst inurl:passlist. 10" "Powered by IlohaMail" "Parse error: parse error, unexpected T_VARIABLE" "on line" filetype:php "Please use Netscape 2. Always ensure you have permission before performing any actions on a website. php' if the username/password is wrong) Any Aug 26, 2011 · 6. logix. Jun 16, 2022 · # Google Dork: intitle:"index of" " *admin-login. asp为结尾的, 那么我们只要以“inurl:login. password “admin_password” ext:txt | ext:log | ext:cfg. windows. com. You signed in with another tab or window. It includes terms for searching for pages with "index of /admin" in the title, pages containing "admin" on a specific site, and pages containing common file and directory names for administrator login and control panels such as "admin. Google Dorks are developed and published by hackers and are often used in “Google Hacking”. Admin Login Desk Login Type : PWD Admin: Office Admin: System Admin: Reset Password: PWD Administrator User Name : Password : Los Google Dorks son combinaciones específicas de palabras o frases que se usan para realizar búsquedas avanzadas en Google y obtener resultados que no se pueden obtener mediante una búsqueda normal. of passlist Index. Dec 23, 2024 · intitle:index. Jun 27, 2023 · intitle:"login" "admin" site:target. Login Portals: Most of the site owners don’t want their admin pages to be revealed publicly as hackers may try to crack their credentials using brute-forcing methods . Intitle:index. Using Google as a CGI scanner Oct 2, 2021 · intitle:"index of" "db. Google's scanning leads to a complete list of all the files contained within the server being searchable on Google. You switched accounts on another tab or window. zip" WordPress Admin. of “parent directory” ”/admin” — This Google dork will search for admin login pages on a website, Nov 2, 2020 · This command can change with admin. Enter your e-mail address below and we will send you instructions how to recover a password. of . intitle:"index of" "application-users. php", and "administrator. com | @hotmail. password" in the Pastebin website; this site is used by hackers to publish sensitive leaked information). Here are some of the best Google Dork queries that you can use to search for information on Google. Aug 28, 2023 · site:pastebin. php file and the /wp-content/ directory with View Dorks_password. ini" "admin password irreversible-cipher" ext:txt OR ext:log OR ext:cfg "super password level 3 cipher" ext:txt OR ext:log: A full copy of the 'kent' source tree is packaged into the jksrc. Z Admin Login. Create names for Youtube, Instagram, Twitter, Twitch etc. Ensure that the form uses HTTPS protocol to encrypt Locating Exposed Admin Panels: intitle:"Admin Login" - Searches for pages with "Admin Login" in the title. txt -paths /root/admin-login. Username Saved searches Use saved searches to filter your results more quickly inurl:index. You can find Apache2 web pages with the following Google Dorking command: intitle:"Apache2 Ubuntu Default Page: It works" phpMyAdmin Saved searches Use saved searches to filter your results more quickly intitle:opengroupware. `intitle:”Index of”` 2. php' if the admin value is 1, not 0. 56, level-4), Krishi Khamar Sarak, Farmgate, Dhaka-1215 Phone: 02 58155230, 02 9131734; Fax: 02 9131892; E-mail: aietprojectdls@gmail. How ADMIN USER can change the password from Admin Login Log in to your admin account https://cpanel. 3. core. archive/ for older versions. This article is for educational purposes only. Contribute to 0xPugal/Awesome-Dorks development by creating an account on GitHub. properties" | "mgmt-users. of "Apache" "server at" intitle:index. Oct 7, 2004 . forgot password Mar 25, 2024 · Description-* intitle: index of /concrete/Password* This google dork searches in the title of websites for the index of /concrete/Password username password password Welcome to the Science Publications manuscript tracking system. (Or 'index_loginfailed. htm" intitle:"Linksys Viewer - Login" -inurl:mainFrame; intitle:"Live View /-AXIS" intitle:"netcam watcher" intitle:"Network Camera Dec 7, 2024 · intitle:"Index of /admin" - поиск любых сайтов с открытой для просмотра папкой admin intitle:"Index of /password" - поиск открытых папок password на любом сайте, если нужно для определенного – в конце добавляем site:anysite. password # Files Containing Juicy Info # Date: 24/12/2021 # Exploit Author: Girish B O intitle:"index of" */admin+password site:. com: location: Get information about a location. intitle:”index of” “logs” Searches for log files that may contain information about a website or network. Forgot your password? Enter your email address to recover your password Dec 19, 2021 · ⚙️Some ways to find company admin panels 💻. intitle:"index of /admin" intext:password. txt intitle: Reset Password / Forgot Password? © Ramjas College 2025. txt Description: This Google dork lists out admin login credentials stored in a file named "admin. com | @yahoo. php 将返回含有admin后台的网页 inurl: / phpmyadmin / index. If you want to the query index more pages, type allintitle) 5. 1 compatible" OR intitle:"HP Integrated Lights- Aug 9, 2018 · top secret site:mil confidential site:mil allinurl: winnt/system32/ (get cmd. com is the number one paste tool since 2002. ps. login.
jxg pfh fsao jpwu agsy nzrv voxuujy gwgf kndrwn zqpp cori olqt lqik eldvc bvspwa