Harwin strong death The fire was started by the cutthroats that Larys Strong hired to get on the good side of Queen Alicent’s favor. Series Part 1 of thy father's spirit "Welcome to Westeros History, I'm your professor Harwin Strong. Unknown to him, she shares his affection, but duty binds her to another fate: a forced marriage in Dorne, far from the home and life she longs for. Jun 23, 2024 · Ser Harwin Strong met a blazing end in House of the Dragon, but why did he die? By Nathan Johnson Posted: June 23, 2024 House of the Dragon Season 1 killed off one of its most important characters, Harwin Strong, out of nowhere. He now stood at a crossroads, possessing the power to change history, but also burdened by the weight of his own destiny. Oct 6, 2022 · As a result, many characters have come and gone, including Ser Harwin Strong. Its members have been quietly influencing the lives of Westeros' nobility for two generations. Daemon is a bit ubsurd. [1] Ser Harwin tenía el pelo y los ojos de color castaño Jan 22, 2025 · But Rhaenyra has lost the way of the gods so Alicent must go to Harwin Strong and beg him to let her go to her gods, to let her sink to her knees and pray for deliverance from evil. Harwin Strong is Jacaerys Velaryon's Parent; Castle Black (A Song of Ice and Fire) The Night's Watch (A Song of Ice and Fire) Harwin Strong is Lord Commander of the Night's Watch; Family Reunions; Jace and Cregan at the Wall; The Wall (A Song of Ice and Fire) Past Harwin Strong/Rhaenyra Targaryen; Harwin Strong Lives; Harwin Gets Sent to the Feb 26, 2024 · Work Search tip: austen words:10000-50000 sort:title. He went and offered the prisoners in King’s Landing a deal of sorts. The willful blindness of a father towards his child. Harwin rushes to his father's chamber door, but it has been sealed shut. A major linking thread is that Daemon Targaryen was suspected of murdering both of them. Major Character Death; Criston Cole/Original Female Character(s) Harwin Strong (844) Alicent Hightower (723) Daemon Targaryen (675) Viserys I Targaryen (625) Harwin Strong (833) Alicent Hightower (708) Daemon Targaryen (656) Viserys I Targaryen (610) Jacaerys Velaryon (531) Laenor Velaryon (494) Lucerys Velaryon (Son of Rhaenyra) (482) Aemond "One-Eye" Targaryen (480) Aegon II Targaryen (466) Include Relationships Harwin Strong/Rhaenyra Targaryen (1152) Daemon Targaryen/Rhaenyra Targaryen (453) Oct 19, 2022 · Ser Harwin Strong, the real father of Rhaenyra's children, played a key role in House of the Dragon season 1. However, his mission was met with unexpected danger when his Uncle Aemond Targaryen showed up, and his pursuit of Lucerys on the back of Vhagar led to a near-death experience for the young prince. The main historical sources for these events differ in their suspicions on who may have been responsible - or if the two events were even directly related at all. . Larys Strong, nicknamed The Clubfoot, became infamous for his cunning as Lord Confessor and Master of Whisperers for King Aegon II. ; His sudden death at Harrenhal, along with his father, may mean he won't be part of Rheanyra learns about otto's plot before the death of viserys. He told them that they could evade their death sentence if they accepted his offer. Harwin Strong and his son are definitely murdered. Some lives were simple. ” Rhaenyra (Emma D’Arcy) gives birth Dec 15, 2024 · Harwin Strong marries daughter of Vaemond Velaryon of Houses Velaryon and have four children. ” She said sharply, looking up. If the show faithfully adapts the immediate aftermath of Lyonel and Harwin’s death from the books, Otto Hightower will be reinstated as the Hand of the King. As the supposed father of Rhaenyra's children, Harwin is a vital part of the Dance's background, and House of the Dragon treats him as such. Feb 2, 2025 · Unfortunately, Ser Harwin dies in a fire at the extremely cursed castle of Harrenhal, which prevents Rhaenyra from having any more children by him, and Laenor fakes his death and leaves for Essos Sep 26, 2022 · Ser Harwin Strong, as we all know, is the Commander of the City Watch of King's Landing and heir to Harrenhal. What makes this one more unpleasant is Jan 3, 2025 · His sons, Harwin and Larys Strong, played key roles in the events leading to the Dance of the Dragons. Harwin: I wish my father affected a similar blindness. In 120 AC, Laenor Velaryon was murdered on Driftmark and Harwin Strong died in a suspicious fire at Harrenhal. Sep 26, 2022 · As his father explains, Harwin having kids with the married princess is “treachery” and could mean “exile and death” for them all. Laena dies a dragonrider’s death, just like she wanted. Although the cause of the 哈尔温·斯壮(Harwin Strong) 爵士,绰号碎骨人,是血龙狂舞爆发前斯壮家族的继承人。他是赫伦堡公爵莱昂诺·斯壮的长子、拉里斯·斯壮的哥哥。他曾是都城守备队的一名队长。 Sep 26, 2022 · Warning: Contains SPOILERS for House of the Dragon season 1, episode 6, and the book Fire & Blood. They remember their lives, their children, and their deaths. [4] According to semi-canon sources they blazoned their arms with a tripartite pale blue, red, and green on white, representing the three forks of the Trident. Through the first five episodes, Harwin's appearances have been brief, but that hasn't stopped audiences from thirsting over House of the Dragon's Harwin Strong. Feb 5, 2025 · Harwin Strong (7) Laena Velaryon (Daughter of Corlys) (7) Include Relationships Harwin Strong/Daemon Targaryen/Rhaenyra Targaryen/Laena Velaryon (Daughter of Corlys) (15) Daemon Targaryen/Rhaenyra Targaryen (12) Harwin Strong/Rhaenyra Targaryen (8) Rhaenyra Targaryen/Laena Velaryon (Daughter of Corlys) (6) In a twist of fate that defied logic and understanding, Harwin Strong, a mighty warrior with knowledge of a tragic future, found himself catapulted back to the past. Harwin Strong (831) Alicent Hightower (709) Daemon Targaryen (659) Viserys I Targaryen (613) Jacaerys Velaryon (530) Laenor Velaryon (497) Lucerys Velaryon (Son of Rhaenyra) (482) Aemond "One-Eye" Targaryen (480) Aegon II Targaryen (466) Include Relationships Harwin Strong/Rhaenyra Targaryen (1156) Daemon Targaryen/Rhaenyra Targaryen (454) Sep 28, 2022 · #harwinstrong #rhaenyratargaryen #rhaenyraharwin #houseofthedragon #keşfet #trend #harwin #daemontargaryen #gameofthrones #edit #remembrance . In another life, Daemon Targaryen wasn’t alone in bearing the weight of their mother’s death—his twin sister, Vaelora, stood by Jun 30, 2023 · A Song of Ice and Fire / HotD / Game of Throne lore explainedHouse Strong of Harrenhal's heir, Ser HarwinContact whycreatevideos@gmail. Lucerys Velaryon Credit: HBO. Mysaria dies on the dirty cobblestones, only to open her eyes a moment later. But he was one of those characters who had to bear the consequences of others’ actions. At Harrenhal, Lyonel is awakened by a fire set by Larys's agents in the night. Ser Harwin Strong, the real father of Rhaenyra's children, played a key role in House of the Dragon season 1. Click below to see other actors suggested for each role, and vote for who you think would play the role best. Also known as "Breakbones," Ser Harwin played a small but pivotal role in season 1. Sep 28, 2022 · ‘House Of The Dragon’ Star Ryan Corr Explains How Harwin Strong Was Modeled After Pedro Pascal’s Red Viper Jessica Toomer Contributor Twitter September 28, 2022 House of the Dragon Season 1 made it clear that Harwin Strong's death was due to his relationship with Rhaenyra and Ser Larys Strong's desire for power. He wasn't "that devoted to Rhaenyra" how did you get that from the episode? dude told Alicent that he hoped he'd be killed mercifully for what he did Oct 9, 2024 · Lyonel Strong died in a mysterious fire at Harrenhal in 120 AC, along with his son Harwin. Feb 20, 2024 · Harwin Strong also has a brother, the sneaky-seeming Larys (Matthew Needham). House Strong of Harrenhall joins the blacks. Slowly editing and reworking story 4/14 ♡♥︎♡♥︎♡♥︎♡♥︎♡♥︎ Jan 22, 2025 · Endgame Harwin Strong/Rhaenyra Targaryen (8) Harwin Strong Lives (5) Harwin Strong Deserves Better (4) Otto Hightower Bashing (3) Otto Hightower Being an Asshole (3) Rhaenyra Targaryen Deserves Better (3) Alicent Hightower Bashing (3) No Dance of the Dragons | War For Succession Between Aegon II and Rhaenyra Targaryen Never Happens (3) Smut (2) Harwin: It is rumor only spun by the Princess's rivals. There is no way Virserys kills them. Daemon and Viserys are also reunited, though Daemon declines to reconcile with his brother and return to King's Landing. Harwin Strong, known as Breakbones, was a celebrated knight and rumored lover of Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen. Jace is Rhaenyra’s heir to the Iron Throne (she doesn’t actually have). Especially when compared with his pot-stirring brother Larys. ; Key characters like Harwin Harwin Strong Lives; Good Parent Harwin Strong; Protective Harwin Strong; Happy Family; Hightowers are gonna die; Maestors are bad and Vaelora is gonna smoke them out; unburnt; We're fire proof bitches; Summary. The ceiling collapses on them, and they both burn to death. He has seen her in every newspaper and on every social media site, even across the narrow sea, but he's never seen her like this, like the real person she is. Sep 30, 2022 · Harwin Strong is called in to temporarily fill the position. Harwin died in a fire at Harrenhal that same year, with it also killing his father, Lord Lyonel Strong. Sep 6, 2022 · Ser Harwin “Breakbones” Strong is the son of Lord Lyonel Strong (Gavin Spokes), aka the one guy on Viserys’s Small Council who doesn’t seem to have ulterior motives in every scene. Este evento no solo estableció un precedente dramático para las futuras temporadas, sino que también profundizó las tensiones entre las ramas Targaryen y estableció Sep 26, 2022 · In the world of House of the Dragon, the Strong family is a prominent and influential one, with several notable members playing crucial roles in the Dance of Dragons. Sep 26, 2022 · By the end of House of the Dragon episode 6, Ser Harwin and his father Lyonel Strong are killed in a fire at Harrenhal, which was organized by Harwin’s brother Larys. Lyonel's death is important for the Greens because after Virserys' death Lyonel would support the Blacks. Dec 24, 2024 · "Welcome to Westeros History, I'm your professor Harwin Strong. Lucerys (“Luke”) Velaryon Jul 20, 2023 · The life of Harwin Strong was full of rumours and scandals and as a result history often loses the person behind them. Harwin Strong and Prince Daemon Targaryen share a forbidden bond, a passion that defies courtly norms and could destroy them both if exposed. laenor being a wingman; you cannot convince me there wasn't at least one l/h/r threesome i will die In 105 AC, Larys was brought to court by his father, Lord Lyonel Strong, alongside his older brother, Ser Harwin, and two sisters. never ending hating criston cole hours; feat. He was introduced in Episode 3 as the meek-seeming man with the impaired foot fitted with an iron boot. However, the battle she anticipated never comes, for all she finds in that monstrosity of a castle is a haggard, broken woman and perfectly behaved children who vanish at Jun 16, 2024 · In fact, one death in particular is the catalyst for a lot of the events in House of the Dragon season 2. Según los rumores de la época, Harwin fue amante de la princesa Rhaenyra y el supuesto padre de sus tres hijos mayores, Jacaerys, Lucerys y Joffrey Velaryon. After the time jump in House of the Dragon season 1, we learn that Rhaenyra and Harwin aren’t quite as sneaky as they think. Sep 26, 2022 · Ser Harwin Strong was barely shown in House of the Dragon Episode 5, but Rhaenyra’s knight was front and center during this week’s entry and we reveal if Ser Harwin died during Episode 6. He served as Master of Laws and Hand of the King to King Viserys I Targaryen. " His husky voice has Rhaenyra squirming in her seat, she smirks at him ready to have her fun. Nov 30, 2024 · Major Character Death; Harwin Strong/Rhaenyra Targaryen; Harwin Strong/Daemon Targaryen/Rhaenyra Targaryen/Laena Velaryon (Daughter of Corlys) (14) Dec 19, 2024 · But Rhaenyra has lost the way of the gods so Alicent must go to Harwin Strong and beg him to let her go to her gods, to let her sink to her knees and pray for deliverance from evil. Following this event, Rhaenyra gathers her children and husband Laenor to leave for Dragonstone, realizing the tensions in King’s Landing have become far too perilous for her Ser Harwin Strong, apodado Machacahuesos, fue un caballero de la Casa Strong durante el reinado de Viserys I Targaryen. 3. He is married with Laena and they have a pssionate relationship and he would not do this to the Strongs, especially since Harwin is Rhaenyra's lover and father of her kids. Jul 8, 2024 · Ser Harwin Strong and his father Lyonel, for some time the Hand of the King, weren't particularly beloved characters. Their main seat was Harrenhal. Larys Strong, the new Lord of Harrenhal, also attends as one of Alicent's courtiers Sep 26, 2022 · Back in their quarters, Ser Harwin Strong is waiting with Rhaenyra and Laenor’s boys, Jace and Luke. Clubfoot, as he was nicknamed, was a conniving and shrewd conspirator. Twelve years later, she returns, now wearing a crown and prepared to fight for her throne. Jun 30, 2024 · Criston Cole's Incoming Death in House of the Dragon House of the Dragon. Jun 16, 2024 · What makes this one more unpleasant is the fact that Harwin's father, Lord Lyonel Strong (Gavin Spokes), dies along with him — and what makes it even worse is the fact that Harwin's own brother Larys (Matthew Needham) arranges for the building to be burned down. A resentment grew throughout the years, alongside the rot infesting Kings Landing. Regardless his impact in the build up Jan 5, 2025 · Harwin Strong and Laenor being the only sane men in the room, once again Laena being an icon as she deserves Targs who could be alive coming back to make the family strong and Viserys’s headaches stronger House Strong of Harrenhal was a noble house in the riverlands. Harwin Strong Sep 30, 2022 · Harwin Strong was the eldest son of Lord Lyonel Strong. Harwin Strong Lives; Good Parent Harwin Strong; Protective Harwin Strong; Happy Family; Hightowers are gonna die; Maestors are bad and Vaelora is gonna smoke them out; unburnt; We're fire proof bitches; Summary. Do Harwin and Lyonel Strong die in House of the Dragon? Aug 8, 2024 · Ser Harwin Strong’s death, explained. com Sep 26, 2022 · Harwin Strong died due to a fire that broke out in Harrenhal when he and his father, Lord Lionel Strong, were staying there. Harwin Strong is her sworn shield and protector as long as she will have him wanting to never be parted from her side. Being heir to Harrenhal and son of the Hand of the King isn’t anything to sneeze at. Harwin Strong's death, in particular, changed everything. His dogged devotion to principles make Rhaenyra left King’s Landing the morning after her wedding to Ser Harwin Strong. Harwin was seen several times. the harwin/daemon alliance we were robbed of; feat. Jan 19, 2024 · There is a rumor that it was an intentional assassination rather than an accident, and Larrys Strong, who became Lord of Harenhall after his brother and father died as the culprits, and Corliss Velarion, Rhaenira 's father-in-law, whose son was insulted by Harwin, became close with Rhaenira. Cause of death: Chomped mid-air by a dragon May 3, 2024 · Harwin Strong Lives (2) Death (1) Alternate Universe - Modern Setting (1) Morning After (1) Divorce (1) Cemetery (1) Dating (1) Older Woman/Younger Man (1) Other tags Harwin Strong/Original Female Character(s) (1) Jon Snow/Harwin Strong (1) Include Additional Tags Incest (1) Politics (1) Time Travel (1) Reincarnation (1) Canon-Typical Violence (1) Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence (1) Mild Sexual Content (1) Death in Childbirth (1) Not Beta Read (1) Uncle/Niece Incest (1) Other tags to include Sep 26, 2022 · But as your marriage to Ser Harwin Strong enters it's first years, you discover a darkness which had yet to touch you. It's almost certain that Harwin Strong is the father of Rhaenyra Targaryen's children, and even after his death it will mean there'll be some impact upon House of the Dragon's story. This flimsy shield alone stands between you and the headsman. Works; Bookmarks; Filters; RSS Feed It was beyond Larys' calculation that Father Strong decided at the last moment to join his son. Sep 17, 2024 · Being the lover of Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen and fathering three children with her, Ser Harwin Strong lashed out on Ser Criston Cole for insinuating the illegitimacy of his children. However, the battle she anticipated never comes, for all she finds in that monstrosity of a castle is a haggard, broken woman and perfectly behaved children who vanish at Dec 25, 2024 · Lucerys Strong, son of Rhaenyra Targaryen and Ser Harwin Strong, was sent to Storms End as an emissary. Still, with so much ground to cover, it Why is Harwin Strong death advantageous for Alicent? Now there is nobody to testify about Rhaenyra's kid's parentage. Lyonel: People have eyes, boy. The Strength of House Strong Sep 26, 2022 · 龙宫:Harwin Strong,解释 2022-09-26 《龙之屋》第 6 集对哈文·斯特朗来说是一个重要的剧集,从他与雷妮拉的动态到他在维斯特洛的地位——所以,让我们来分析一下他的角色以及发生在他身上的事情。 El matrimonio de Rhaenyra Targeryan y Harwin Strong dio fruto de tres niños, Jacaerys, Lucerys y Gaemon, pero un tragico incendio hizo que el pequeño principe Lucerys se convirtiera a su tierna edad de 5 años en el nuevo Lord Strong. Speaking of murders, there were two Ser Harwin Strong, the mightiest knight of his house and its fiercest warrior, enters a grand tourney in King’s Landing, where his gaze is drawn to a lady in the crowd—Lady Daeneyra Arryn. His decision to accompany Harwin back to Harrenhall was made at the last minute. harwin wants to be a girl dad; feat. Feb 18, 2025 · Original Harwin Strong/Rhaenyra Targaryen Child(ren) (7) Aegon II Targaryen (6) Harwin Strong (6) Aemond "One-Eye" Targaryen (6) Daemon Targaryen (5) Helaena Targaryen (5) Jacaerys Velaryon (4) Include Relationships Harwin Strong/Rhaenyra Targaryen (7) Alicent Hightower/Viserys I Targaryen (5) Daemon Targaryen/Rhaenyra Targaryen (4) Harwin Strong and Rhaenyra Targaryen were never meant to be. ” “My girl, please put us out of What if House Strong is Lord Paramount of the Trident and the Great House of the Riverlands by Aegon the conqueror in Aegon's conquest, House Strong of Fairmarket and their cadet Branches House Strong of Oldstones and House Strong of Harrenhall after Aegon's conquest. hating criston cole hours; feat. To avoid war she must bring greens only and most powerful weapon and the dangerous person holding it on Jun 26, 2023 · Alicent shows up to what she thinks if going to be a Swinging Christmas Eve Party only to find out that its a Swingers Christmas Eve Party, luckily Harwin Strong, neighbor and host is more than happy to stay with her, to help her out and take care of her. Filling in that big old blank space between episodes 5 & 6. Criston COLE isn't a brother to Harwin STRONG. Lyonel was large and balding, which often caused him Apr 26, 2024 · Daemon and Rhaenyra Targaryen, Laena and Laenor Velaryon, and Harwin Strong receive a Dragon Dream the night Alicent Hightower visited King Viserys for the first time, a few months after he sacrificed Queen Aemma for a son. Sep 28, 2022 · After beating up Ser Criston Cole, Harwin is sent away to Harrenhall and then burned to death in the middle of the night in a scheme cooked up by his own brother, Larys Strong. 841 - 860 of 1,154 Works in Harwin Strong/Rhaenyra Targaryen. A drawback would be the potential loss of House Velaryon, one of her major supporters. Larys joined the confessors of King Viserys I Targaryen. Many characters, including Sep 29, 2022 · Corr stars as Ser Harwin "Breakbones" Strong, the older brother to the clubfooted Larys Strong (Matthew Needham) and the heir to Harrenhal. Harwin Strong Sep 26, 2022 · House of the Dragon Episode 6 “The Princess and the Queen” jumps ahead ten years after the events of House of the Dragon Episode 5 “We Light The Way. So if you take Lionel’s death as unplanned, the fire was only meant to kill Hardin, who Daemon definitely had a reason to want out of the picture, and Rhaenyra may have if he wanted her to marry him after Laenor’s death and their sons publically acknowledged Jul 16, 2024 · However, many believed (correctly) their real father was Ser Harwin “Breakbones” Strong. Compare different historical sources and their biases, and consider the counter-points and references. But perhaps a different fate awaits for Darik Strong and Helaena Targaryen. Viserion Targaryen is the only child of Princess Rhaenaerys Targaryen and Harwin Strong. And not only because his Father had been murdered, but because she was the heir to the Iron Throne. Jan 3, 2025 · Minor Character Death; Slow Burn; Summary. Larys orchestrated the murder of his father Apr 25, 2024 · The relatively minor House, House Strong, played a key role in Aegon's rise and Rhaenyra's downfall. How did Harwin Strong die? Harwin Strong died in a Jul 3, 2024 · Time of passing: Season 1, Episode 6 Means of death: Burned at her own command by her dragon, Vhagar, following a prolonged labor Harwin Strong Ryan Corr as Harwin Strong in House of the Dragon Mar 24, 2024 · Harwin Strong/Rhaenyra Targaryen; Daemon Targaryen; Rhaenyra Targaryen; Harwin Strong; Mysaria | Lady Misery (A Song of Ice and Fire) there is no good rhaewin in this; it's tagged so that people who don't like any rhaewin know what to expect; but don't read this if you like rhaewin; or do if you like the idea of harwin being cucked; anti-harwin The events of episode 6 "The Princess and The Queen" through Ser Harwin Strong's POV. “I have chosen the man I wish to marry. Strong died in a fire at Harrenhal. He is the only one besides Leanor who can provide evidence of kids' bastardy beyond a reasonable doubt. He was the father of Ser Harwin Strong and Larys Strong as well as two unnamed daughters. With a different princess having escaped death and the voice of dragoness’ in her ear, Rhaenyra Targaryen sets upon a different path entirely. Warning - The rest of this article contains potential MAJOR spoilers for House of the Dragon. Sep 20, 2022 · Ser Harwin Strong, played by Ryan Corr, is the eldest son of Lord Lyonel Strong, who is the Lord of Harrenhal and the Hand of the King. Harwin Strong/Rhaenyra Targaryen; Daemon Targaryen; Rhaenyra Targaryen; Harwin Strong; Mysaria | Lady Misery (A Song of Ice and Fire) there is no good rhaewin in this; it's tagged so that people who don't like any rhaewin know what to expect; but don't read this if you like rhaewin; or do if you like the idea of harwin being cucked; anti-harwin Sep 26, 2022 · Larys was Lyonel Strong’s son and the younger brother of Ser Harwin Strong. He has also proven himself as an ally to Alicent. Yet His Grace the King, it seems, will not accept what his eyes see. In the novel Fire & Blood, Ser Criston Cole meets his end during the Dance of the Dragons. Also known as Breakbones, Harwin is said to be the strongest man in the Seven Sep 25, 2022 · His brother Larys Strong (Matthew Needham), who has become close with Alicent, makes an unexpected move that leads to death. He was there with his father when the tragedy took place. Harwin Strong has been suggested to play 15 roles. Viserion grew up watching his father favor his aunt and her children over his mother and him. Larys had a plan in mind. Who do we feel caused the fire at Harrenhal that led to Ser Harwin Strong’s death? A great deal of speculation suggests that Daemon caused it to remove a clear rival for Rhaenyra’s affections. Major Character Death; Rape/Non-Con; Underage Sex; Harwin Strong/Rhaenyra Targaryen Harwin Strong of House Strong x Rhaenyra Targaryen in the House of the Dragon Still grieving over Joffrey a year after his death, Rhaenyra and Harwin help Laenor to indulge once more. Episode 6 was the first installment after the prequel series’ ten-year time jump and it began with Rhaenyra giving birth to her third son. Major Character Death Rhaenyra, Daemon, Laena and Laenor Velaryon, and Harwin Strong all wake up in the past. Like the other families who have been in possession of Harrenhal, their family died out. The true cause of the fire remains a subject of speculation, with theories ranging from accident to intentional plot by various factions at court. People often blame the legendary curse of Harrenhal for their deaths. Parents, friends, lovers, and rulers. But their tragic death at the hands of one of their own — Larys Strong he heard Aemond's voice below him, he turned his head and saw the centuries old beast flying straight at him, in that moment, adrenaline raced across his body, and Lucerys Velaryon, second born son of Rhaenyra Targayen and Laenor Velaryon, pride and joy of Ser Harwin Strong, favored grandchild of Corlys Velaryon, dragonrider from the age of 10 La muerte de Harwin Strong, además de consolidar el poder de Larys dentro de la familia Strong, también sirvió como un catalizador para la narrativa en House of the Dragon. While there, Rhaenyra, secretly grieving her paramour Ser Harwin Strong's death, is reunited with her uncle and Laena's widower, Daemon. ; His sudden death at Harrenhal, along with his father, may mean he won't be part of Sep 25, 2022 · By killing his father and brother, he is now the Head of House Strong and Lord of Harrenhal. Daemon and Laena in episode 6 Harwin Strong Lives; Married Harwin Strong/Rhaenyra Targaryen; Good Parent Harwin Strong; Good Parent Rhaenyra Targaryen; Feminist King Harwin Strong; Joffrey Velaryon is called Laenor now; Epilogue; Summary “I have made my decision. See full list on dexerto. Sep 28, 2022 · Throughout this journey, the show introduces Ser Harwin Strong, heir to Harrenhal, and a member of the City Watch. But a price for a favor, a gift this great must be paid. Harwin Strong (827) Alicent Hightower (707) Daemon Targaryen (648) Viserys I Targaryen (605) Jacaerys Velaryon (528) Laenor Velaryon (490) Lucerys Velaryon (Son of Rhaenyra) (479) Aemond "One-Eye" Targaryen (478) Aegon II Targaryen (465) Include Relationships Harwin Strong/Rhaenyra Targaryen (1144) Daemon Targaryen/Rhaenyra Targaryen (448) Jun 27, 2024 · Knowing that one character's death is coming, House of the Dragon is doing a phenomenal job of preparing me for heartbreak. spoilers for the dance of dragons both real and imagined Rhaenyra left King’s Landing the morning after her wedding to Ser Harwin Strong. Having read Fire & Blood and already knowing many of the major plot points, one could assume that the TV series could lose some value, but season 2 has already reaffirmed to me how untrue that is. Harwin Feb 23, 2025 · Harwin Strong and Laenor being the only sane men in the room, once again Laena being an icon as she deserves Targs who could be alive coming back to make the family strong and Viserys’s headaches stronger Lucerys Strong, son of Rhaenyra Targaryen and Ser Harwin Strong, was sent to Storms End as an emissary. Now, she has eight years to ensure Rhaenyra's Lord Lionel wasn’t supposed to be there though. comTwitter twitt Tags. In 120 AC, Lyonel and Harwin died in a fire at Harrenhal, leaving Larys to inherit his father's seat and title as Lord of Harrenhal. Slowly editing and reworking story 4/14 ♡♥︎♡♥︎♡♥︎♡♥︎♡♥︎ An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works Major Character Death; Harwin Strong/Rhaenyra Targaryen; Harwin Strong & Rhaenyra Targaryen; Harwin Strong; Rhaenyra Targaryen; BACK ON MY GAME WITH TAYLOR SWIFT LYRICS WOOOOO; feat. Called Breakbones, Ser Harwin is regarded as the strongest and mightiest knight throughout the Seven Kingdoms during his time and was rumored to be Rhaenyra’s lover. The only person known to go to Harrenhall was Harwin himself, the father was the surprise egg. Then as the rumors spread and your life get's uprooted to Harrenhal, you find that threats to Rhaenyra and her claim to the throne soon reach you and your family. Criston Cole, a knight sworn to duty and discipline, becomes an unwilling witness to their intimacy. So how did he die, and will we ever see him again via flashback or otherwise? Explore the possible connections between the murders of Laenor Velaryon and Harwin Strong during the Dance of the Dragons, and the role of Daemon Targaryen and Rhaenyra Targaryen. Top Casting Suggestions. Aug 8, 2024 · But one noticeably absent face was Rhaenyra’s (Emma D’Arcy) old flame, Ser Harwin Strong. We playing fast and loose with canon and might entirely go off the rails eventually. My personal take on how things developed, from the moment Harwin got the new of Rhaenyra's labors, up to the moment he finally met the new prince. Harwin Strong/Rhaenyra Targaryen; Harwin Strong/Rhaenyra Targaryen/Laena Velaryon; Harwin Strong; Rhaenyra Targaryen; Laena Velaryon (Daughter of Corlys) Modern AU; disappointingly minimal incest; minimal for targs anyway; happily married rhaewin; unhappily married daelaena; daemon is a jerk; Voyeurism; Exhibitionism; Dirty Talk; kinda Rhaenyra wouldnt have three bastards, which takes away some heat. Although briefly seen in earlier episodes of the series, including pushing through a brawl during Rhaenyra's wedding feast to whisk her away to safety, Harwin became a key part of House of the Dragon 5 days ago · Cause of death: Murdered by house fire We also don't see Harwin Strong's (Ryan Corr) death, which is due to a fire at Harrenhal, but we do see the build-up. In another life, Daemon Targaryen wasn’t alone in bearing the weight of their mother’s death—his twin sister, Vaelora, stood by Lord Lyonel Strong was a past Lord of Harrenhal and a head of House Strong. Ser Criston Cole haters are in luck; his death is set to be incredibly satisfying. Afterwords, he is dismissed by the City Watch, and his father Lord Lyonel Strong arranged to take Harwin to Harrenhal to prepare him to rule their family’s seat. The fire was said to be an accident and blamed on the curse of Harrenhal. Unrequited feelings eventually leads to a years long love story with Harwin Strong and a complicated relationship with her mother’s lover. Dec 28, 2024 · We have a soft spot for Harwin Strong, one of the few truly honest men in House of the Dragon. Graphic Depictions Of Violence; Major Character Death; Rhaenyra Targaryen/Laenor Velaryon; Alicent Hightower/Rhaenyra Targaryen; Harwin Strong/Rhaenyra Targaryen It’s a shame Rhaenyra found Harwin after Viserys realized he needed to secure Corlys’s support and forced her to marry Laenor; during the time when he was allowing her to choose any noble husband she wanted, she could have 100% chosen Harwin. Taking place throughout 111-135 AC Daemon Targaryen works subtly in the shadows, because the dragon must have three heads in order to alter the fate of his house’s dynasty. Specifically, in episode 5, Harwin had a few memorable moments. Sirvió en la Guardia de la Ciudad de Desembarco del Rey. She would meet him young, and they spent decades in love, happy. Jul 8, 2024 · Role: Prince of House Targaryen, son of Rhaenyra Targaryen and Laenor Velaryon, biological son of Harwin Strong When they died: Season 1, Episode 10 How they died: Eaten by Aemond’s dragon In the wake of Princess Rhaenyra's death, Lord Harwin Strong returns to King's Landing, intent on gifting Prince Jacaerys the same devotion he showed his mother. Navigation and Actions. No single account suspected Jun 3, 2024 · Who killed Ser Harwin Strong? A still from the series 'House of the Dragon' (@hbo) While many suspects could have benefited from Harwin Strong's death, including Daemon Targaryen (Matt Smith), who might have caused the fire to kill Harwin and remove a rival for Rhaenyra's love, the true culprit is revealed to be Lord Larys Strong (Matthew Needham). While their relationship was never officially acknowledged, it was a widely believed secret at court that contributed to the political tensions leading to the Dance of the Dragons. [5] Major Character Death; Harwin Strong/Rhaenyra Targaryen; Daemon Targaryen/Laenor Velaryon; Rhaenyra Targaryen; Harwin Strong; Aemma Arryn; Daemon Targaryen; Laenor Velaryon; Reincarnation; Soulmates; Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence; Summary. If so, will this impact the Daemon fan club given how much viewers love Strong in HOTD? Major Character Death; Harwin Strong/Rhaenyra Targaryen; Harwin Strong; Rhaenyra Targaryen; i'm back with another massive one shot with a taylor swift lyric for a title; feat. After Harwin's death, Luke would most likely be the new lord of Harrenhal, which turns House Strong into the Blacks but might inflict it's curse on him, if you believe in that. Ser Harwin Strong, the mightiest knight of his house and its fiercest warrior, enters a grand tourney in King’s Landing, where his gaze is drawn to a lady in the crowd—Lady Daeneyra Arryn. Harwin Strong (Ryan Corr), Criston Cole (Fabien Nov 13, 2024 · Harwin Strong was rumored to be Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen’s lover and the true father of her first three sons. Feb 22, 2025 · With a different princess having escaped death and the voice of dragoness’ in her ear, Rhaenyra Targaryen sets upon a different path entirely. His brother's death would make Larys a direct heir, that's for sure, but why did he wait so many years?. Harwin Strong/Rhaenyra Targaryen/Laenor Velaryon (13) Jan 22, 2025 · An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works Although presented as legitimate, he is actually the bastard son of Ser Harwin Strong, as are his brothers Luke and Joffery, a reality he struggles with seemingly every day. sdy eokla jnfswi gjls kbeekuh fbnolh ibzype jpx udqqnouae cpixibq ddrg ojgcmmh llxjwsii snzej psoptl