Best online dog training reddit. Even just putting the food bowl down is training.

Best online dog training reddit They've basically told me it's an expensive peice of paper. Recommendations for dog obedience training in Manhattan please. @everydayk9solutions is absolutely amazing! He is local around the Seattle area but can accommodate to you from any state, time zone etc. Highly recommend for dogs with high stakes behavior issues. He’s a good dog and stays alongside with just me or when I’m with a small group of people. Tbh between michael ellis and larry krohns free material thats more than enough for someone starting out to start self training their dog aslong as the tools and dog are treated with respect DogTraining: A forum on dog training and behavior. I'm a dog groomer and a balanced trainer but I'm a… DogTraining: A forum on dog training and behavior. I highly recommend the trainers at Andrea Arden Dog Training. Sep 16, 2024 路 The Best (& Worst) Psychiatric Service Dog Training Providers Online By Emilie Kay, Licensed Clinical Social Worker and Washington City Paper Ad Product (Copy Editing & Quality Review) September Additionally the trainers we worked with since then have all said you did an awful job with “training” and all you did was starve and shock the dog for “obedience. The skills and methods you learn you can incorporate into you own teaching of private dog training clients for the purposes of dog training" So how is that going for you I am asking because I want to use it to help me teach. However idk 馃槓 DogTraining: A forum on dog training and behavior. Silly/Fake jobs are NOT allowed in our sub. they would both pull as hard as possible at the same time. Don't Shoot the Dog (a pivotal book in +R training that really kick-started it) came out in 1984, and that's pretty dang recent in the grand scheme of things. Looking for recommendations on either local classes or a personal trainer or online videos to help go over basics with my dog such as not barking when door bell rings, returning to me when I call her, reacting to basic commands. Before you post or comment, please review the subreddit rules here. My dog is almost 2 now and despite my efforts his training is not where I would like it to be. Both orgs follow the same training philosophies - balanced dog training with e-collar. if you dont dog have any sort of aggression reactivity. You can teach your dog many fun and useful tricks, get inspired for DIY games, and most of all, get in touch with professional dog trainers who will give you personal feedback on your training. E-collars can be incredibly effective tools for essentially all training. Dog training isn't just structured obedience. Decent price, great class, small groups so you get plenty of attention/help. I think you can post videos of you training sessions, and they will be critiqued by her staff. I'd say most people in obedience who are +R trainers, have been +R trainers for a max of 30-ish years, and they had to figure it out for themselves. Or Calmk9 Dog Training. We were happy with it. For my job I help repair the damage caused by places that put a punishment focused device on your dog and tell you that it solves things. I have actually made a post in my neighborhood fb page that I am interested in pursuing a career in dog training, that I've done a lot of research and trained my own dog. My pro tip is the easiest, train your dog to sit and stay before you set their dinner down. There are also a few approved dog trainers on here such as: - u/helpinghowls - Myself (phenomenalcanine. Every time I try googling for dog training material online, I'm only come up with ads for e-books and YouTube channels that are essentially long-form ads for some dude's dog training school. Cons: 1. Does anyone have stellar experience with any local dog trainers? Long story short, we have a 10 month old Bull Terrier who’s 60 pounds. Good luck with your search, I haven't needed to use a dog trainer so can't help with specific recommendations. There are better resources for average dog training tho Beat online resources/books for balanced dog training. All opinions and viewpoints are welcome, all types of training are welcome. A group for preferably dog trainers/aspiring dog trainers only to share about experiences with clients and their dogs, tips, friendly discussions and debates, and more. If you want to take the CPDT exams, you'll need to gain some experience of dog training first. I want to make sure he's really well trained for his own safety. Awesome text book full of good grooming info. they would have 2 prong collars on the dog and two people one on each side holding a leash. I will have a professional dog groomer to mentor me throughout this process so that’s really good to hear. ). I'm not a total cheap skate in that I don't mind buying a book or video series that's widely regarded as excellent. Everything you do around them is training. I have lots of opinions on that and the incorrectly characterized “studies” often used to support it, but I do agree Background Info: I'm fairly new to dog training, although I've owned a couple dogs (hound/lab mix, pharoah hound, GSD) in the past which I did very limited amounts of training with. You can go to all the conference and take online course you want but there is a massive different between talking about training dogs and actually training dogs. Or extreme situations. I was a newbie to dog training then and it gave me a good foundation on marker training/how to build basics. Online dog training classes for obedience, rally, agility, tracking, nosework, dog behavior, freestyle, and foundation skills. I’m training him on leash in a county. You can find service dog trainers through KPA, CCPDT, IAABC, and cooperative paws' websites. He does ramble here and there, but I like seeing his process with owners and how the owners can handle potentially dangerous situations. Basic dog obedience will all be pretty good — its so basic most trainers will do the job. Consistency outside in busier areas has been tough. Convenience of Online Learning: The availability of an online format is a big plus. I’ve already been practicing retrieving with her. These are important questions to ask before you sign paperwork with anyone. It’s great to have access to training from diverse trainers worldwide without the need to travel. Looking to order some books on dog training, behavior, and development. Like a leash, you can apply very gently pressure, a significant correction, and everything in between. New to the area and looking for an experienced dog trainer to help with an unruly Great Pyrenees. Looking for recommendations, especially those with Pyr and/or giant 'guardian' experience. 14 votes, 13 comments. I have trained him without aversives so far. A subreddit for general weight training discussion, focused on intermediate level and above in experience and strength, for those ranging from strength sport competitors, sports that benefit from weight training, or weight training enthusiasts. She has been going through some mental health issues and also has type 1 diabetes and we know how great a pet can be for mental health, she’s always wanted a dog because our whole family had dogs except for us and she absolutely has always been a ‘dog person’. This subreddit is a great starting point for a lot of information, but you should always verify and expand upon what you've read from reputable sources before putting it to use in your daily life. Not a good look for their franchise either. very reasonable prices compared to other dog training and behaviourists out there. Treat reward and clicker based reinforcement so all positive. This technique made training more engaging and enjoyable for both me and my dogs. com Mar 5, 2023 路 Back in 1982, Dr. When I was doing training through Petco, it was my best friend, especially right before testing. Glad uve gotten into dog training, way more rewarding than someone else doing all the work for u. I recently bought a pure bred yellow lab. I've analyzed 60 blogs and compiled a list of the most recommended books on dog training. Notable WIKI pages: Book recommendations; Online Her place is called, “My Dog and Me”. Jan 26, 2025 路 In-person dog training isn’t always the best fit for every dog or their human, but that doesn’t mean training should be put on hold. they also added an ecollar in eventually. a malinois that was being trained for French Ring. Tom Davis is a good resource for reactive dogs. 10 votes, 17 comments. Here you'll find content that will help you train your dogs. He also offers good insight about dog behavior in general. I’ve really enjoyed watching McCann Dogs on YouTube and recommend them to all of my friends. I took the TWC course 3 years ago and it was the best thing I did as a professional dog trainer. Even professionally trained service dog owners have had to go through training, generally they’re working with the dog for the last 6 months of a 2-year training program. ” The trainer after you didn’t use the shock collar once and he’s LEAGUES ahead of where you didn’t have him. Calm k9 changed our lives when our dog did boot camp training. Read the full rules in the sidebar before posting. I had been posting on the r/dogtraining sub, and had posted several McCann videos before I realized that they don’t allow that content because some of the methods they use are “aversive” (she does a settling technique where she restrains the puppy and grabs the collar to stop the puppy biting). If you do not understand how to use pressure clearly and fairly when training your dog, you should learn how to do so before training your dog. Larry khron, a man who has a video of him abusing a puppy with an ecollar (high level, and making the dog yelp and cower), has changed his methodology recently and had a client countercondition a dog on video. She is the lead trainer at Scholars, and is one of my absolute favorite people. You're always training your dog. ) I've used them for the majority of my dog's training since she was 3 months old. Starting training when your dog is not fully adjusted and comfortable can lead to negative associations and make the training process more challenging and less enjoyable for both of you. Certification will help you get listed on website and will help with people that get misinformed that certification = qualification. My 7-mo old puppy has done well great with commands and obedience at home and along quiet streets with me. I think he was definitely someone’s dog at some point because he is very well-behaved, knows basic commands, and picked up potty training quite quickly. These are jobs or tasks a dog is specifically trained to perform such as Guide Dog, Service Dog, Herding Dog, Police Dog, Sled Dog, etc. Congratulations on your new family member! Training sets your dog up for a happy, successful life. Fenzi Dog Sports Academy. Thanks in advance! DogTraining: A forum on dog training and behavior. He was doing great training with us, we went to a trainer we worked with before and he came back worse than when he went. I took Michael Ellis's 2-week obedience intensive course years ago, really enjoyed it. The advice here is not a replacement for professional help. Dog Training 101 - ask for Graham, he’s the owner and specialises in reactive dogs. For instance, my dog doesn’t do well with fence greetings, which is where Beckman usually starts (my boy does best by sneaking up to a dog’s behind and sniff, which we do through parallel walks. Today, you can take advantage of his innovative techniques in convenient online courses offered by SIRIUS Puppy and Dog Training. When you're on a walk with your dog, that's training. Leerburg, Consider The Dog, Training Without Conflict (Ivan Balabanov's videos) rewards based but you still might enjoy: FDSA, Tawerdog Lots of individual trainers have started privately offering online or video courses over the last couple years, so if you find a trainer you like then look into what they have available. the more elite off-leash course will have everything you need for just a pet dog from loose leash walking without any pulling, perfect recall, sit stays, emergency downs, heeling and YES very concise use of showing how to properly use an E-collar from how to properly fit it and condition the dog to the ecollar then pairing it with a This is a page where we can share, discuss and seek advice on all forms of dog training without judgement or fear. It really helped us help our dog. Something to keep in mind about dog training in general is that it is as much about working with the owner/handler/trainer as it is the dog. She's about 15yr, a rescue that took me the last 6-7yr to stop being a fearful meanie, now that we are on the other side both her and I have picked up some allowances that are (I think) putting her bold personality in a dominant position. Scholars in Collars is, hands down, the best facility I've ever dealt with in a lifetime of dog ownership. . Yes service dog international is a scam and I wouldn't really trust any of their training. I am looking into becoming a dog trainer as well! I have spoken to a lot of other trainers. but there are more fears of the risk of aversive tools because they employ physical corrections and negative/punishment. Lots of people hate on Dave and ProK9 purely because they are not a strictly "fear free" training practice. When your dog is just lying down and you come up to pet them, that's training. Posted by u/retrokittyinthecity - 4 votes and 9 comments Spatial Pressure - Giving the dog room or closing the distance between the dog Variable Treat Rewards - Rather than giving a treat every time the dog completes a task, we leverage a 5:1 random treat ratio where the dog has to repeat the task and is given the treat randomly as to not pick up a pattern. This community is geared towards modern, force-free, science based methods and recommendations. This is a community for real working dogs. Ian Dunbar, one of the most famous names in the history of dog training, developed his SIRIUS puppy program. Anyone can set up as a dog trainer without any education, so well done for wanting to learn :) You might get more responses if you post in the dogtraining subreddit. I am well-versed in the challenges of the breed and have attempted training in the past. I’ve also found YouTube videos by Victoria Stilwell useful recently as a kind of reminder for best practices. /r/dogs is a place for dog owners of all levels of knowledge, skill, and experience to discuss various topics related to responsible dog ownership. Board and trains are never a good idea. Once you have trained your pup for a few months, consider LevelUp dog sports. See full list on thebarmybeagle. It’s better to wait and begin with a positive attitude than to rush and risk potential failure. From reviews - mostly of Recallers - it seems as though her training requires a lot of effort on the part of the trainer is expensive - and is very effective. Make sure you check out our WIKI for recommended resources and articles Hello, I am needing to make some changes around how I interact with one of my dogs to reflect her possessive, dominant, protective traits. It’s a long one guys - sorry! Hi everyone, we have recently gotten our 14 year old daughter a dog. Members Online macrameandcheese6822 DogTraining: A forum on dog training and behavior. Henry specializes in aggression/reactive dogs. Training a dog is a bonding activity for dog and owner to learn how to communicate with each other. I was just curious what the best route would be to get her to be a good waterfowl retrieving dog. Posted by u/Any_Debate_566 - 1 vote and no comments Welcome to r/dogs!We are a discussion-based subreddit dedicated to support, inform, and advise dog owners. Happy to clarify or talk more in DMs if you'd like! /CPDT-KA in the 63116 DogTraining: A forum on dog training and behavior. Like you said, every dog is different and will benefit from different tools or setups, so it’s good to know what options there are to try. She's three now and extremely well behaved. The best online dog training courses should include a Money-Back Guarantee, ensuring full satisfaction or a refund. What a Great Dog, we went to their Richardson facility but they have one in Frisco too I think. Totally worth to give it a try! This is a forum on dog training and behavior that focuses on a least intrusive, minimally aversive approach. Leerburg is a dog training website with quality training gear, online courses, and more led by experienced trainers like Ed Frawley and Michael Ellis. She is still fairly young (about 14-15 weeks). I cannot say enough good things about it. They've got options for individual training (virtual or in person) or group classes. I am CPDT-KA trainer and my favorite youtube channels that I recommend to my clients are 1)Sarah Walsh Dog Training (She is awesome!) 2)Happy Hounds Dog Training 3) Train Me Please (Jose Gomes) 4) Calm Canine Academy 5). Having your dog develop a relationship with you and learning the proper way to maintain your dog’s training doesn’t happen if you’re not with your dog when they’re This is a page where we can share, discuss and seek advice on all forms of dog training without judgement or fear. He can do in person training, board and training or via FaceTime/video chat to train your dog! He works with all breeds and with any age of dog. There's 100 books on the list, I… DogTraining: A forum on dog training and behavior. the dog became an absolute aggressive monster because DogTraining: A forum on dog training and behavior. They also have many training programs for puppies and older dogs, such as puppy training or basic obedience. it's hard to tell because of the video quality, but I know of a place that does something similar. Done incorrectly, any training style can make a dog’s behavior worse, ruin the relationship etc. Susan Garrett has several courses like Homeschool the Dog, Recallers, and others. com) and some that I know of off the top of my head: DogTraining: A forum on dog training and behavior. Hi all! My fam recently adopted a 5 year old beagle. Online dog training classes offer a flexible and effective alternative, especially for pet parents who can’t attend in-person sessions or have dogs that struggle in public settings. Definitely not interested in any training that includes shock collars. He was picked up by animal control as a stray so not much is known about his background. We do have an on-leash policy but I’d prefer to have him leash trained regardless before any type of off leash training. The truth is, most professional dog trainers that meet the above requirements can’t afford to share their knowledge and expertise for free. I don’t know any online courses, but I would recommend getting yourself a copy of Notes from the Grooming Table if you don’t already have access to a copy. Prong collars, Clicker Training, E-Collars, Check Chains and everything else! Posted by u/sniffyrockboi - 2 votes and no comments DogTraining: A forum on dog training and behavior. I have spent the past month educating myself on the principles of operant conditioning and classical conditioning. Dog training links, discussions and questions are encouraged and content related to other species is welcome too. If your training is not fun and effective, or if you need additional help, then please find a certified trainer for assistance. If the owners don't keep up with the training/expectations at home, no amount of training the animal will help if the dog doesn't get the consistency at home. I'm looking to get info on the best dog training classes for big dogs in Calgary. Wherever you go, I'd recommend a class that trains you to train the dog, meaning not somewhere you leave the dog for training and come back and learn how to issue the commands the trainer taught the dog. School is really great for training your dog in a harder environment, but if you show up with minimal training, your doggy will have a difficult time. We need more trainers to evolve and keep an open mind and do what’s best for the dog, not the owner looking for an easy way out. If you need a more personal, one on one type of work, Joan Weston at Fangs but no Fangs would be my unreserved recommendation. This is what works best for training a dog and why. The Karen Pryor Academy or The Academy for Dog Trainers are the best. I also have a good amount bathing, handling, and training knowledge so good to know the lessons would probably still be useful. Or for people to tell /u/WeaponizedSleep to eat more. I just wanted to make sure online grooming courses weren’t like a known scam in the dog grooming community. DogTraining: A forum on dog training and behavior. 60lbs against someone with double carpal tunnel is hard, we just need help training him not to pull or lunge when he’s excited by DogTraining: A forum on dog training and behavior. I would love to get him trained up appropriately! DogTraining: A forum on dog training and behavior. Open to group classes or private training (non virtual preferred). 2. Group classes are typically in Manhattan (at Beasty Feast 14th & 8th. Prong collars, Clicker Training, E-Collars, Check Chains and everything else! Bat-hound K9 Training. Not sure this is the type you are looking for but we took our wild tiny man to some training classes at the SPCA and they were fantastic. Even just putting the food bowl down is training. Jan 7, 2025 路 To recap, for the best overall dog training app, Dogo offers a 7-day free trial, over 100 tricks and training videos, a built-in clicker, whistle, and video exams to grade your pup’s progress A subreddit with minimal rules for stuff that makes you go *awww*! Feel free to post pics, gifs, or videos of cats, dogs, babies, or anything cute. he also runs what I believe is the only group reactive dog training classes specifically designed for reactive dogs with maximum safety. DogTraining: A forum on dog training and behavior. etc. I just got a new dog and he's a much bigger breed than I have ever had before; he's also a breed that carries a stigma. Sep 15, 2024 路 The course should cover a variety of training methods. These facilities are basically your dog sitting in a kennel for the majority of the day (especially bad if they're a puppy when socialization to the world around them is critical) and then their "training" is just breaking their spirit with a shock collar DogTraining: A forum on dog training and behavior. sejd kyy bzfvpjt wwy xhnc gogdb yxvljr cyds oxok razuuve xjicte nzjd wremfh gjr gagk